
Sunday, May 27, 2012

11/365 Cinnamon

10 minute free-write* on Cinnamon.

"I am the cinnamon baker's(?) wife --  smell me.:"  A line from the series of books, Letters From Iceland."
I find the words inotxicating.

Cinnamon wafts through my home in the winter months -- heated on cookie sheets, placed in the overn. 
Men love this fragrance.  Women do, too.

I like a cinnamon stick in my hot chocolate.  This fine herb delights so many other tastes, from beverages to main courses, to candy, and cereal.

I can't remember what I learned in Chinese Herbology class about cinnamon, and that is too bad.
It must be some type of tonic, I would think.  But I don't remember.

Cinnamon toast--drenched in butter and loaded with a mix of sugar and lots of cinnamon--
ah, a real confort food.

I love cinnamon candies -- the ways they bite the tongue, and linger there after they're gone.

(photo gotten off the internet, no credit given)

*A free-write is a type of automatic writing, where you just go with your stream of consciousness non-stop. There's no thought to spelling or grammar, and no editing of words. Supposedly this opens the mind up to greater creativity. They can be 5, 10 or 20 minutes long.

Visit Evie, whom I freewrite with, at the space between colors.

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousMay 27, 2012

    Cinnamon sure evokes wonderful memories....Mom & I were reminiscing the other day about cinnamon toast at Gramma's house. Warm, crispy, sweet, spicy & buttery - pure comfort & love!!


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