Looking forward to some falling snow, and the silent sound that accompanies it. There are only flurries in the forecast for tomorrow, but I trust the snow will come in time. It has been so mild, and it is just now starting to get around the freezing point.
I don't know what to expect from myself this year. Some avenue which would make me a little money, to supplement the Social Security Disability Insurance that I live (barely) on.. Might just have to check the neighborhood paper for something like that. Something way below my capabilities, but not stressful, hopefully.
I'm thinking about resuming a healing career ..... holistic, that is, but I don't hardly know where to start with that. I don't want to treat out of my apartment, and traveling may be hard without a car, unless the people were local. I'm not sure I'm up for it, either.
Anyway, there should be other things, too. Like starting on the second draft of my novel.
Today, Evie mentioned starting to work in a new media ... and that struck a chord... I'd like to explore different ways of making dolls and such.
I'd like to visit my mom more often, and the same goes for my sister, niece and grand-nephew.
I want to do something that surprises me this year. Something good.
I want my camera fixed so I can start shooting a lot more often.
Meanwhile, here's a pic of the little guy sleeping on new year's day, with his Barney in tow. Taken by my niece on her phone.