
Monday, December 21, 2009

happy solstice

It is the Winter Solstice, welcome Winter. Time to go inside. Inside one's home,, and inside one's self. To get plenty of sleep, and to eat Yang foods (root vegetables, and ones that grow close to the ground) to keep one warm inside. A pinch of ground cayenne pepper in each sock, makes for cozy toes, and a pinch in a cup of tea does the same for the insides.

These are just some things that come to mind with the onset of winter.

It snowed here all day yesterday, and we got quite a few inches. Not quite enough to make for that really silent sound outside, but I did get to hear some of that.

Sitting now with a cup of tea, dear readers, and wondering what brings you joy? You can answer in my comments, or perhaps you'd like to make a post of your own in answering that question. Be sure to leave me a link, though!

Right now, this little one and his existence on Earth, is bringing me much joy!


  1. Happy solstice, Myth. He certainly is a blessing. What brings me joy?
    A little imp named J-man, and yarn/ fiber in its various forms.

  2. Thanks for saying so, leek... sounds like a whole lotta joy to me!


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