
Thursday, February 26, 2009

words: old school

I have been keeping a journal since I can remember. Keeping implies a certain responsibility with "keeping up", and there have been times when a year could pass with the turn of a page. There were also fat pages filled with a scant number of months, so full of every day. I have filled my fair share, and then some. To me, a journal is words, and mainly words... sketches and doodles on the side, yes, and pressed flowers and movie tickets.

But today, journaling has taken on a whole new face. It is a mixed media event on every page. The movie tickets become a theatre, the sketches are the words. I know little about it, but I'm following another blogger's entry into the realm, and it has inspired me to try and create in this different way.

I don't know if I will share my new fangled pages.. So far they are as private as my more wholely worded journal entries. However creative, not always meant for revealing.
It's fun, but requires a whole slew of crafting material, so calling it "journaling" just seems crazy to me! I guess I'm just old school.

My art is not in all the things I make with my hands. These are simply diversions, sometimes even little meditations of made things. My art ultimately falls to the written word, however mundane. This is my truth, here, in the word, plain as day.

If it were in my hands to make paint lament, and make sculpture leap in dance, then so it would be. But my paint and sculpture are journies made on the way to here. They do not land of their own accord, but stay adrift, somewhat unfinished, waiting to land in the bed of my imagination, and come out on the page in a story or poem.

Ah, but even that is too much pressure for the creative psyche.. thinking in terms of one thing necessarily leading to another. Sometimes a thing is just what it is.... even if it's hanging adrift.

Photography doesn't fall into the catagory of "leading towards"... photography is a thing in itself, and encompasses that moment you click the shutter... ah, it can be so sweet. A capture in time. It makes my heart beat faster when I'm feeling it with the camera. I love it.

If art were my clothes, I'd probably be dressed in words and photographs. :)

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