
Monday, August 6, 2012

81/365 the forest

I think of days long ao hanging out with my cousin Ed, and almost always taking a drive to a forested area where we would walk and talk.  It's a good environment for talking -- nature all around you bringing out your best energies.
In Lapland, it was an ocean of forest.  Evergreens and Birch, and others, as far as the eye could see.  I would walk the dogs every day in the forest.  It was a special time.
There's nothing like finding an opening beneath pine trees--all the pine needles spread like a rug on the ground.  A sweet cool spot in the middle of summer.
I would like to live in a forested place, with wildlife all around, and hawks hanging out in the trees.  Alas, I think I am stuck in Brooklyn for the rest of my days.
Just hopefully I have not walked the last of my forest days.  So necessary for the soul.


  1. There is always Central Park if you can get there! I have a forest to walk to a short distance from home. It is certainly good for the soul.

  2. Barbara in my memory I still walk in the wild forested places and still find the comfort of them. Memory I have found is more than a reminder of the past but lives within us as a part of our whle, thanks for yesterdays walks in the forest.


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