
Sunday, August 26, 2012

101/365 seasons

I am fortunate enough to live ina place where there are four seasons, though I could do without summer, if truth be told.  We're in the middle of summer now, and it has been a bad one, with heat waves making it feel like 100F or more, and humidity through the roof.  Summer is not some happy vacation time for me, so basically it just sucks.
I love the Fall, when fresh air finally starts wafting through the open windows.  Having to don a sweater or jacket.  The trees turning crimson and yellow.  Children going back to school, and a bit of peace prevailing over the neighborhood.  It may well be the best time of the year.
Soon winter moves in.  People tend to move faster on the streets.  The holiday season.  More good cheer than usual from folks.  If we're lucky (we weren't last year) there'll be beautiful blankets of snow to behold.  Hard to get around in, but the quiet it brings is just lovely.
Slowly but surely, winter starts its thaw, and there's the surprising sight of crocus popping up from the ground.  There's a new bouquet on the air, and grass is beginning to grow.  My birthday comes again.






  1. I hope you don´t have snow already. Love taht sunset sky.

  2. I am with you about Summer, not my favorite, though I do like the longer days.
    Fall is my favorite, but very short lived here in NM.xoxo

  3. Me thinks we of the close northern climes will see less snow, more cold and dryer summers, the two seasons of extremes. Such is the nature of man upon nature.

  4. Mukavasti esittelet 'Neljä-Vuodenaikaa'.
    Näin se menee vuoden-kierto meilläkin.
    Kevät, Kesä, Syksy ja Talvi.
    Lämpö-erot voivat olla jopa 80-astetta....!
    Tervehtien Eko


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