
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

138/365 gratitude

I am grateful for these moments, sitting with a friend, on a late summer's afternoon, writing freewrites together.
I am grateful that I was able to walk around the neighborhood today, on my own steam.
I am grateful for my family and my friends, each having a significant part in my life.  I am gratefuil to my cats for bringing life to the house.
I am grateful for so many things my life has been blessed with.
I used to keep a gratitude journal, where you'd list 5 things every day that you were grateful for.  I tended to repeat things day after day, and the writing part of it soon grew boring.  It was something I know in my heart, anyway.
Take time in your life to be conscious of what you're grateful for.

*A free-write is a type of automatic writing, where you just go with your stream of consciousness non-stop. There's no thought to spelling or grammar, and no editing of words. Supposedly this opens the mind up to greater creativity. They can be 5, 10 or 20 minutes long. Suggestions for freewrites are always welcome. Visit Evie, with whom I freewrite, at the space between colors.

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